
Title : Lawyer, Partner Year of call : 2004

Expertise : business law | intellectual property

Hotline: 418 780-6109

For 15 years, Hubert Crépault’s practice has focused on commercial and corporate law, business financing and non-profit organizations. Over the years, he has developed considerable experience with small businesses in different fields including natural resources, forestry and mining. He has been involved in many transactions for these companies and has an excellent understanding of the legal regimes applicable to them. An active member of the community, he is currently an administrator and secretary at Collège O’Sullivan de Québec and a board member of the Fondation des Offices jeunesse internationaux du Québec.

Assistant: Louise Charest


  • Business law (public contracts, banking law, commercial law, corporate law, information technology law, real estate law (sale, acquisition, and leasing), mining, energy, and natural resources law, corporate financing, mergers and acquisitions, governance, nonprofit organizations, intellectual property)

Other titles

  • Trademark Agent


  • LL.B., Université Laval (2002)

Professional experience

  • Cain Lamarre, Quebec City (2007 to present)
  • Gravel Bédard Vaillancourt, Quebec City
  • Fasken Martineau, Quebec City

Lecturing, conferences, publications

  • A Collective Revival of Companies: The Cooperative Response to a Lack of Business Succession. Speaker invited by the Ministère de l’Économie, des Sciences et de l’Innovation
  • Presentation about cooperatives at the annual provincial conference on tax law and legal services by Malette
  • Taught business law at the Quebec Bar School
  • Interventions auprès de sociétés (privées, publiques et parapubliques) quant à l’accès aux documents et à la protection des renseignements personnels
  • Conférences sur la gouvernance
  • Lecture on the legal framework and intercooperation practices in a free market (forestry industry)
  • Talk for business community members on the new Business Corporations Act
  • Conferences on the liability of company and NPO directors
  • Conference on the legal principles and business conventions of technology innovation companies
  • Publication of an article on the First Nations and mining rights in Quebec

Associations, committees, boards

  • Administrator, Collège O’Sullivan de Québec
  • President, Maison des Entreprises de Coeur
  • Former administrator, Fondation des Offices jeunesse internationaux du Québec (previously)
  • Former administrator, Vitrines sur la relève (previously)
  • Former administrator, Assemblée parlementaire des étudiants du Québec (previously)
  • Former administrator, Cégep de Jonquière (previously)